





Sultan Urged To Remain Regional Leader

03/23/08 01:27

Yogyakarta people want Sultan, Paku Alam to remain region`s leaders

Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - The Association of Yogyakarta Village Heads is to stage a "people`s assembly" on Tuesday (March 25) to declare the region`s two hereditary rulers, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and Paku Alam IX, as the Yogyakarta Special District`s governor and vice governor respectively.

To be convened in the compound of the Yogyakarta Legislative Council and expected to be attended by some 20,000 people from all over the region, the assembly would be led by the chairman of the Yogyakarta Village Heads Association, Ismaya Mulyadi, the association`s general secretary, Bibit Rustamto, said here Saturday.
The assembly would be a forum for the expression of the Yogyakarta people`s aspiration to confirm the Sultan and Paku Alam as Yogyakarta`s governor and vice governor respectively, and to reject the holding of a gubernatorial election in the region, Rustamto said.

The plan to hold the assembly was purely the Yogyakarta people`s own wish and not linked with any political party`s wish, interest or agenda. The assembly would produce a decision declaring the Sultan and Paku Alam Yogyakarta`s governor and vice governor respectively. .

The decision would be conveyed to the President, the House of Representatives (DPR), the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), the Yogyakarta Legislative Council, the district and municipal administrations in Yogyakarta.

"Our target is for the government to issue a regulation formalizing the filling of the gubernatorial and vice gubernatorial posts through appointments before the terms of the incumbents expires in October 2008. If until then there is still no government regulation, we will hold another people`s assembly," Kustamto said.

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